Daisy Is My Name + Belief
Photographer, Makeup Artist, Art Director
Content Editor: Alice On
Photographer, Makeup Artist, Art Director
Content Editor: Alice On
"Self Portrait" By Danielle@DaisyCode In Singapore
Innocence, Purity, Hope And Renewal
“All Our Lives, Many Of Us Live And Die In Our Comfort Zone , Chained In Self-Made Prisons and Bound By Limited Perspectives. Worn Down Day By Day and Struggling Against Complacency, I turn to Photography to Resuscitate My Dying Soul.”
“Some People Die At 25 And Aren’t Buried Until 75.”
Golden Fish By Susan
“Makeup and Photography Are The Tools I use To Create self-healing Energy.”
#DaisyHMUA #PhotoByDaisyH #DaisyCodePhotography
#PhotoByDaisyH #DaisyCodePhotography
“The Images That Keep Coming Me Now Are Colourful, Bright And Have A Retro, 70s Vintage Quality.”
Fashion And Beauty Had Been Changed In My Mind
A beautiful breakfast without too much prep time, this menu will wake up all your senses!
We can work to find gratitude in the “fails” that lead to innovation and resilience. This is especially true in the kitchen!
Your mindset is the key to personal growth, your relationships and achievements.
4 Vancouver Dairy-Free Favourites
Day’s Eyes 重生